Medication Administration

  • Taking medication during school hours or during school related activities is prohibited unless it is necessary for a student’s health and well-being. When a student’s licensed health care provider and parent/guardian believe that it is necessary for the student to take medication during school hours or school related activities, the parent/guardian must request that the school dispense the medication to the child by completing a Medication Consent form. 
  • Parents requesting that medication be administered to their child while they are in school and required to follow the guidelines listed below. These guidelines apply to medication administered by school personnel as well as student self-administered medications. Medications will be administered according to the guidelines outlined in the Michigan School Code and the Romeo Community School Board Policy.
  • Medications will not be administered to a student that is displaying signs of a communicable disease (i.e., fever, cough, gastrointestinal illness, etc.).

The following Guidelines must be followed:

  1. A current mediation consent form MUST be on file for all students receiving medication. A NEW form is required at the beginning of each school year.
  2. Emergency medications such as Inhalers and emergency injectable/nasal medications require an Medical Action Plan (MAP), NOT a Medication Consent Form.
  3. The Medication/Treatment Consent Form must be completed for medications not listed in a Medical Action Plan. This includes both daily and as needed medications. The form is required for prescription as well as Over-the-Counter (OTC) medications, such as Tylenol or Cough syrup/drops. The form must be completed and signed by both the parent/guardian and the licensed prescriber. Only a parent/guardian signature is required for OTC topical medications such as sunscreen, bug spray, Chapstick and creams. 
  4. If your child’s medication changes or the dosage changes we MUST have a new form to stop the old medication and begin the new one. Medication changes will not be made with a note from a parent or physician.
  5. Medication(s) must be in the original container and clearly labeled. Prescription medication must indicate: student’s name, medication, dosage, time, doctors name, pharmacy name, date issued, expiration, prescription number. 
  6. Parents are responsible for splitting tablets to provide correct dosage of medication.
  7. Medications for school hours must be delivered and picked up from the school by an adult. At the end of the year, medication not picked up will be discarded. 

PDF DocumentMedication/Treatment Consent form