Welcome to the Early Childhood Services Department
Choosing a high-quality early childhood education program is one of the most important decisions parents or guardians can make for their young children. As you consider your decision, we encourage you to choose one of our RCS Early Childhood Programs. Our learning environment provides opportunities for preschool-age children through 12 years of age to discover, investigate, grow and begin the journey of lifelong learning. Our extensive Early Childhood programs include tuition-based programs for Preschool, Discovery Preschool/Child Care, and School-Age Care (SACC). We also offer free preschool for families that meet eligibility requirements through the Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP).
Early Childhood Rate Sheet ECH 2024
Summer Camp 2025
Information coming March 2025
24-25 Calendar Early Childhood Services
24-25 SACC Program
24-25 SACC Program
**SACC Waitlist as of 8/15/24 for the following schools**
Amanda Moore SACC (AM)
Hamilton-Parson's PM
Hevel AM and PM
Indian Hills AM and PM
As more caregivers are hired we will notify families for open enrollment. We are very sorry for this inconvenience.
Please email registration forms to Jeanine.Beck@romeok12.org
Tuition Express Parent Authorization Forms
Please call (586) 752-0314 with any questions.
2024-25 Preschool Supply Lists
Croswell Before & After Care
Croswell Before & After Care is available to students enrolled in GSRP, Head Start and ECSE PM programs. Spaces are limited based.
24-25 School Year - Friday's will be available
- Before Care 6:30 a.m. - 8 a.m. M - F
- After Care 3 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. M - F
- $5.50 an hour per student
- Registration fee is $50 per student
All students enrolled must be fully potty trained and 4 years old by September 1st
24.25 Before & After Care Registration
Discovery Preschool Programs (full day)
Fall 24-25 Discovery Programs (Toddlers, Preschool Prep, Discovery 3 and Discovery 4) are full day programs between the hours of 6:30a to 5:30p, Monday through Friday.
Email registration forms to Jeanine.Beck@romeok12.org. Spaces are limited.
Please call (586) 752-0314 with any questions. Thank you.
Other Forms Needed:
1.Copy of Birth Certificate
2.Immunization Records
Tuition Based Preschool
Preschool Registration-2024/2025
- A birth certificate is required
- An immunization record is required
- $50 registration fee (nonrefundable)
- 1st fee installment
- 3 by Sept 1st to enroll Preschool 3's
- 4 by Sept 1st to enroll in Preschool 4's
- The child must be fully toilet trained
Great Start Readiness Program Free Preschool (GSRP)
Great Start Readiness Program Free Preschool (GSRP)
Parent Information/Resources
Early Childhood Services Handbook
Tuition Express Automatic Payment Form
Useful Websites:
Center for Disease Control & Prevention (Act Early Campaign)
Early On
Children's Trust Fund
- "There Will Be Tears, A Guide to Infant Crying" - "Don't Shake Us, You Might Break Us" Brochure
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Health Promotions Clearing House
- "Soothing a Crying Baby
Michigan Kids Matter
Macomb County Community Health
Student Health Information and Medical Forms
Transitioning To Kindergarten
If you are in need of assistance for either Childcare or S.A.C.C. tuition please click on the link below to access the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Contact Us: