Enrollment for the 2024-25 school year is open. 

Follow the listed 2024-2025 School Year Steps to Enroll Your Child below.

Para obtener ayuda con la inscripción, comuníquese con la traductora del Distrito, Lindsey Kingsbury, al 586-281-1419.

Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year (next year) opens on Wednesday, February 26, 2025. 

Students residing within the geographic boundaries of Romeo Community Schools may enroll at any time. If you live outside RCS boundaries, please check the Schools of Choice information below. If you encounter any problems or have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Enrollment Center at (586) 281-1404 or by sending an email to enrollment@romeok12.org.

All steps to complete the enrollment process for the 2025 - 2026 (Next) School Year are listed below.  On the preregistration form be sure to choose the 2025 - 2026 School Year.

2025 - 2026 Steps to Enroll

Todos los pasos para completar el proceso de inscripción para el (próximo) año escolar 2025 - 2026 se enumeran a continuación.  En el formulario de preinscripción asegúrese de elegir el Año Escolar 2025 - 2026.

2025 - 2026 Pasos para inscribirse


Enrollment for the 2024-2025 School Year

If you are enrolling for Young Five through 12th grade, please follow the directions outlined in the document below.

PDF DocumentSteps to Enroll

Enrollment is not complete until all documentation listed below has been submitted during the required appointment.   

Only a parent or legal guardian may enroll a student into school.

  • Original birth certificate (with official raised seal)
  • Immunization Status (up-to-date immunization record) or Immunization Waiver (must be through the County)
  • Proof of residency (one document from each category below)
    • Category A: mortgage statement that provides property description; current utility bill (gas, water, electric) dated within 30 days; lease agreement that is current and must indicate the term of the lease, the address of the lease property, the name of the property owner, the name of the lessee, and a listing of tenants. A Principal Residential Exemption (part of closing documents) will be acceptable for newly purchased homes. SHUT OFF notices will not be accepted.
    • Category B: parent or guardian's valid driver's license with current address, or parent or guardian's valid state identification card with current address.
    • Copy of most recent special education IEP and/or 504
    • Most recent transcript for Grades 9-12; schedule will not be created until received
    • Most recent report card for Grades K-8 
    • Additional information if applicable: PDF DocumentNotarized Residential Affidavit if living with relatives for a suitable home; custody papers (copy of the court order or custody agreement is required to be provided if the parents are separated or divorced and the enrolling parent is relying on the order or agreement as the basis for enrolling the student) Document must be signed, by both parties, in front of a notary.
    • Young Fives and Kindergarten only: hearing and vision screening and dental assessment
    • High school only: PDF Document2022-23 MHSAA Transfer Form


We will be accepting applications for the following:

Intra-District Transfer Schools of Choice (Young Five-5th grades)

Out of District Schools of Choice Unlimited (Young Fives-8th grades and Romeo Virtual Academy)

Out of District Schools of Choice Limited (9th - 11th grades)

  • Review the Guidelines and Procedures provided here to get all the information needed to complete this process.
  • The application forms will be posted here by 8am on the day the application window opens.
  • This process must be completed prior to completing the Enrollment process.
  • If you have questions, please reach out to the Enrollment Office for clarification.

2025-2026 Guidelines and Procedures Limited (9th-11th) Schools of Choice

2025-2026 Guidelines and Procedures Unlimited (Young Five-8th & RVA) Schools of Choice

2025-2026 Guidelines and Procedures Intra District Schools of Choice Transfer

2025-2026 Guidelines and Procedures Employee Out of District


This form must be completed for all SOC applicants that will be in 1st - 11th grade in the 2025-26 (next) school year. The form is to be turned into the school where the student has been attending. Please provide a copy of the form (parent/student portion completed) with the application. Once the receiving school completes their portion of the form, they are to send it and any supplemental material directly to the Enrollment Office.  Click here for form.

Did you move? If so, please complete the form below and return to the Enrollment Center, via email, fax or in-person, along with your updated driver's license and a current utility bill (DTE, Semco, City Water bill) or mortgage/lease statement showing your name and address. Once these documents are received we will change your student(s) address in PowerSchool and alert the bus garage (if needed).

Please note that it will take up to 3-5 days for a student to be placed on a bus after an address is changed in PowerSchool. The Transportation Department will reach out with bus details and a date the student may begin riding the new bus.

Thank you!

PDF DocumentChange of Address Form - English

PDF DocumentChange of Address Form - Spanish

Children who will be five years old on or before September 1st of the current year and live within the Romeo Community Schools boundaries are eligible to attend kindergarten. 

Children who will turn five between September 2nd and December 1st may enroll in kindergarten or our Young Fives program. The waiver below will be completed at your enrollment appointment. 

PDF DocumentYoung Five and Kindergarten Waiver

All children must be enrolled in school by their sixth birthday.

New for the 2025-2026 school year, incoming young five and kindergarten students must provide record of dental assessment. This can be completed by your dentist or this list of dental providers.

If needed, please have your dentist complete this form.

Hearing and vision screening is another requirement.  If you wish to use the health department for this, please click here to contact them.  Sample of required document for enrollment.


If your child will turn 5 years of age between September 2nd and December 1st of this year, you may begin the online enrollment process at this time. 

Children with birthdates June 1st through September 1st MUST participate in a screener to be considered for Young Five. For students who currently attend preschool programs housed in Romeo Community Schools, one of our certified staff members will screen your child at their school. All other students will need to sign up for a time to be brought by parents/guardians to a screening appointment. The link for screener appointments is available on a new student enrollment form in your Powerschool parent portal.

While we strive to adhere to the accepted guidelines and standards for accessibility and usability, it is not always possible to do so in all areas of the website.  If you are unable to access information on our website, please contact the Enrollment Department Directly.