Welcome Washington Parents
District Technology Resources
Important Device Information
Información IMPORTANTE del dispositivo
Connecting iPad to Wi-Fi
iPad Guidelines
Description of iPad Adapters and Cables
Dell Chromebooks:
Connecting Chromebook to Wi-Fi
Technology Handbook:
Technology Handbook
Technology Handbook (Spanish)
Parent / Guardian / Student Responsibility:
Student Devices (Chromebooks and iPads) are property of Romeo Community Schools and are loaned to students for use under the guidelines of the Romeo Community Schools Technology Handbook.
Parents / Guardians are financially responsible for accidental or purposeful damage to or the loss of the Device, as well as for any costs incurred due to student's use or misuse of the Device.
- The replacement cost of the device is approximately $200. This does not include the device case or charger.
- If a device is damaged, the parent/guardian will be assessed a fee as described below:
- 1st incident - $25
- 2nd incident - $50
- 3rd incident - full cost of repair or replacement
- In the event that a device is extensively damaged, the parent/guardian will be assessed a fee up to $200 for the repair or replacement of the device. * NOTE: The fee for extensive damage may be assessed for first or second incidents.
- If a device is lost or stolen, the district must be notified immediately and the fee assessed will be $200.
- It is the parent/guardian responsibility to cover the cost of district-issued accessories in the event of theft, loss or damage. Costs for accessory replacement are listed below:
- Chromebook Charger ($40)
- Chromebook Case ($35)
- iPad Adapter & Cable ($38 set, $19 each)
- iPad Case & Screen Protector ($25)
If your student transfers out of Romeo Community Schools:
- Please be sure to return all Chromebooks and/or iPads, along with the chargers, to the school by the last day of attendance. Payment of outstanding repair fines before you leave is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
- If not returned in a timely fashion, the Device and accessories may be considered stolen and result in legal action, or be required to pay $200 for replacement costs.
Paying assessed fines:
There are a few ways to make payments:
- Preferred way - Pay online with
- Send cash to school with your student;
- Send a check to school with your student, made out to Romeo Community Schools
Digital Parenting:
Securly App for Parents - With the Securly Home app (included with your district’s Securly partnership), parents can safeguard their child’s online activity when devices come home.
Download the app for Android or Apple. Securly Parent Home
Common Sense Media helps families make smart media choices.
Reduced Internet Programs:
Affordable Connectivity Program
T-Mobile Student Internet Program
Internet Essentials from Comcast
To find out if you qualify for reduced-cost internet access, please visit: Michigan Home Internet Options
Web Permission:
If you do NOT give permission for your child’s work or photo to be published on the school website, please print and sign Denial of Permission to Publish to RCS Website and return it to the school.
Student Health Information and Medical Forms
With cold and flu season quickly approaching, please review these guidelines of when to keep your child at home.
Media Center
Washington Elementary School Online Library Catalog
- Search by title, author, keyword and subject.
Must-Have Information
1st Arrival Bell: 8:58 am
2nd Arrival (Tardy) Bell: 9:03 am
Dismissal Bell: 3:58pm
Half-Day Dismissal Bell: 12:12pm
*Students who are driven to school may not be released from their vehicles until 8:50am.
RCS 2024-2025 District Calendar
Your child's teacher will communicate through Google Classroom and email. Always keep an updated email address on file to receive School Messenger Communications from the school and district. If you have not done so, be sure to opt-in to School Messenger Text Messages to get important school and district updates.
School Messenger Sign Up You can sign up for district messages via text, email, and phone.
If your child is ill, please remember to call the school attendance line at 586-281-2150 before 9:30a.m.
- Please give the spelling of the child's last name
- Teacher's name
- Reason for absence
The answering machine is on 24 hours a day. If your child needs an early dismissal, please send in a note (not an email) to the teacher, who will forward the information on to the office. It is very important to include the child's last name on all notes and envelopes. If a child is riding home with another student in the school, please send in a note with this information also. Due to the busy end-of-school day in the office, please call us no later than 2:30 p.m. with any changes to your child's dismissal schedule.
Allowance of bus ride changes at the end of the day is at the discretion of the transportation department, therefore all change requests must be communicated through a note to the school office in the morning. Please be sure to have a back-up plan in case transportation is unable to honor the request. NO CHANGES are allowed during the first month of school and it is possible that none will be permitted during the year.
Doctor's notes matter! While we encourage you to try not to pull students out of school for appointments, we understand that scheduling sometimes necessitates it. Any absence verified by a doctor's note is marked as excused. Please make sure to forward these notes to the office as they do make a difference in your child's attendance record.
Washington maintains and follows State of Michigan school policy regarding the dispensation of medication: Any medication, whether sold over the counter or dispensed by the pharmacist, must be brought to the office by the parent/guardian. Students may NOT bring medication(s) to school.
There MUST BE a “Medication/Treatment Consent” form completed and signed by the attending physician and the parent/guardian. This form must be filled out whether the medication is sold over the counter or dispensed by the pharmacist. If you child has asthma, sever allergies, seizures or diabetes, the aligned management plan form MUST BE filled out and returned to the school office. All medication must be in the original container, clearly labeled with the student's name, the dosage, the doctor's name and phone number. All necessary forms are available in the school's office and online ant Romeok12.org.
Volunteers are always welcome at Washington! If you plan to volunteer for school or classroom activities, please fill out a volunteer form to have a background check prior to volunteering. Volunteer Release Form. Volunteers/visitors must enter the building through the main door into the secure lobby area. Ring the doorbell inside the lobby and front office staff will communicate with you through the intercom system. Please be prepared to have your driver’s license run through Raptor, our visitor management system, in order to access the building beyond the lobby and office.
Visitor Management Protocol Information
Thank you for your help and your time!
One free breakfast and one free lunch each day is again available at school for the 2024-25 school year thanks to Michigan School Meals funding! Seconds will note be available for students. Families will need to complete an Education Benefits Form, as this can qualify your student and our school for additional benefits! Please visit
https://romeo.familyportal.cloud and click "apply for benefits." Students will indicate to their teacher each morning upon arrival if they are ordering a school breakfast and/or school lunch.
Families interested in participating in (formerly Blessings in a Backpack) will need to complete the Sharing Benefits form.
At Washington, we believe that birthdays are an important part of a child’s life and we want to recognize them at school. Children’s birthdays are announced on our daily student broadcast, and students who are celebrating their birthday at school receive a birthday prize from the office. For students who would like to bring items to share with their class on their birthday, they are encouraged to bring a small NON-FOOD surprise to school (for example - pencil, eraser, stickers) to give to each classmate. Another idea would be to gift a favorite book to the class for the classroom library. Any food items must be store bought and individually packaged and will be sent home. Our teachers do not have the time or supplies to package treats (i.e.: bulk cupcakes) so please do not send in these types of treats. Always consult with the teacher ahead of time before sending in a birthday surprise.
Students are encouraged to bring a full water bottle to school daily. Please label your student's water bottle with their first and last name to avoid mix-ups.
Students are welcome to bring a nutritious snack to school. A snack should be simple and should take no more than 5 minutes for a child to eat. Fruit, veggies, cheese sticks, and goldfish are examples of a few recommended snacks. Be aware of restrictions due to food allergies in your child's classroom (the teacher will communicate those with you).
While we encourage friendships outside of school, our teachers WILL NOT pass out birthday invitations unless everyone in the class is receiving one. If you are inviting a small group of children, please reach out to those families outside of school hours. Teachers will not “slip invitations” into a few backpacks. Thank you for understanding.
Cell phones are not permitted for use during school hours. These devices will be taken and held in the office for parents to pick up if students are found in possession of them. While students may wear watches with cellular capabilities (Smart Watches), students are not permitted to receive or send messages during the school day. These watches will be taken and held in the office for parents to pick up if students are found using them for communication purposes. Phones are available in the school office for students who need to contact parents.
Toys are not allowed to be brought to Washington. Toys are a distraction and cause a variety of problems when brought to school. PLEASE, leave them at home. This includes playground balls. Students who bring these items to school for after school plans will be asked to keep them in their backpack, and items taken out will be held in the office for parents to pick up.
(SACC) School Age Child Care
The SACC program is offered at Washington Elementary before and after school daily from 6:30am-9:00am and 4:00pm-5:30pm.
All interested parents, or questions about SACC, should be directed to the Early Childhood Department at 586-752-0314. Washington is unable to accept SACC registration forms.
Students may not be dropped off at school prior to 8:50am. Should your schedule need a drop off time prior to 8:50am, please contact Early Childhood Services regarding SACC.
WASHINGTON SACC: 586-651-8350
SchoolPay Online Payments
SchoolPay is an online payment tool that allows families to pay for school fees without having to make a special trip to the school or send a check with their students.
School Supply Lists
Supply List 2024-25
Please do not feel that you need to have everything ready to get the year started. We also have basic supplies and backpacks available in the building for those who would like some support in attaining school supplies. Please contact the school office if you need more information. Teachers will provide additional details via classroom communications.
Student-Parent Handbook
Young Fives and Kindergarten Information
Children who will be five years of age on or before September 1 of a school year and live within the Romeo Community Schools district boundaries are eligible to attend Kindergarten. Click Enrollment on the District Home page for information on registering.
RCS 2024-2025 District Calendar
1st Arrival Bell: | 8:58 a.m. |
Tardy Bell: | 9:03 a.m. |
Dismissal Bell: | 3:58 p.m. |
Half-Day Dismissal: | 12:12 p.m. |
Please call before 9:30 a.m.
Upcoming Events
8 Feb
KISS Dance (Kids Invite Someone Special) 6:00 PM to 8:00 PMKISS Dance (Kids Invite Someone Special)Date: Feb 8Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PMLocation: Washington Elementary School, 58230 Van Dyke Ave, Washington, MI 48094, USACalendar: Washington Calendar of EventsKISS (Kids Invite Someone Special) Dance Registration info and details here
12 Feb
Student Council Meeting 8:00 AM to 8:45 AMStudent Council MeetingDate: Feb 12Time: 8:00 AM to 8:45 AMCalendar: Washington Calendar of Events