Washington Elementary News

Dear Washington Families, 

We are thrilled to announce that our new STEM room will officially open for classes on Monday! After months of construction, we were able to unveil our new space to staff and students this week. It is a beautiful space and we look forward to years of learning experiences for our students. Parents who are interested in seeing the new learning space will have the opportunity to do so during events such as PTO meetings, conferences and our Student Showcase. We will also be posting a FaceBook video of a walk through. Those that would be interested in seeing it sooner are welcome to come between the hours of 4:15-5:30 on Monday, February 24th, Tuesday, February 25th or Tuesday, March 4th.

Additional News and Notes:

Tues, Feb 11: NWEA Family Reports and IXL reports go home with students.

Thurs, Feb 13: 

  • Thursday Lego Club at 8am (rescheduled due to Ice Day on 2/6)

  • Washington Elementary PTO Meeting at 7pm in the Media Center. Please feel free to join us!

Sun, Feb 16: Let our Washington PTO help you get rid of all those cans and bottles from the Super Bowl. They will be at Washington Elementary on Sunday from 11am-1pm; just pull up and drop off, the PTO will take care of the rest! Details here.

Romeo Middle School Parent Night: All parents of current 5th graders are invited to attend Parent Night on Thursday, February 20th, at 6 PM in the RMS auditorium. More details here: English / Spanish

Bottle Drive: Our Green Team would like to Thank you for all the support with the Bottle Drive that was held last spring!

Kids Heart Challenge is Back! You can sign up using this information: 1) Download the FREE AHA Schools App for Apple or Android and click on “Register Now” then scroll down to join your school's team, or 2) OR click HERE. and choose “Sign Up” to get started. Please feel free to email Ms Abercrombie (angela.abercrombie@romeok12.org) if you have any questions.

Young Fives and Kindergarten Information Night: Believe it or not, it’s time to start thinking about kindergarten and young fives enrollment for the fall. Please click on the following link to learn more about our information night and add yourself to our early communication list. Also, please feel free to share this link with families that may not receive this message, but have an incoming young fives or kindergarten student in 2025. Information Night

Lunch Parents Needed: We have a very dedicated crew of lunch volunteers, and I am not sure how we would make it through without them! If you are able to help, we are always in need of additional hands. Please contact the school office at Rachel.Tippett@romeok12.org  for information about volunteer or paid lunch supervisor positions.

St. Baldricks of Romeo: St Baldricks will return in March. This community event is specially designed to support the fight against childhood cancer. Washington Elementary is once again hosting a team! Please consider contributing to this worthy cause, or signing up to participate. Our district 4th graders will also be at St Baldricks to sing, so we encourage you to come out and show your support. Learn more here.

February Specials Rotation Schedule: (Linked here)

February Food Service Menu: (Linked here)

PTO News: 

Need new Bulldog Gear? Check out our online merchandise store. Orders will be sent home with your student.  

Happy Birthday Messages: Want to share your child's birthday or half birthday? Messages are displayed on our outdoor sign and are up for 24 hours, including weekends and holidays for $10. This link will be active thru to the end of the school year. If your child's birthday falls on a holiday/weekend and you would like it displayed during the school week, please enter the date you choose for it to be viewed. Link for purchase: https://www.schoolpay.com/link/Message-Board-Shout-Out. Please purchase at least a week before the birthday.

District News:

RCS Parent University: As part of our strategic planning process, the district has committed to leveraging different mediums to strengthen the home-school relationship. An implemented example of this is the Keeping Up With ‘R’ Community podcast. This week, we are launching our Parent University (Parent U). Parent U will be available in multiple formats including video, text, and in-person.

In the second edition of our Parent University series, Rob Murray sits down with the Supervisor of Early Childhood Education, Charlene McVety, to discuss early childhood programming in Romeo, along with ways in which parents can work with their children from now until the fall to create a readiness for those entering young fives and kindergarten.

Parent U - Early Childhood Education & Young 5's/Kindergarten Readiness

Got an idea for a Parent University episode? Please reach out to our communications department (communications@romeok12.org) and share it.

Community News:

The Greater Washington Historical Museum is again sponsoring the George Washington portrait contest. Students have created their portraits at school with Mrs Resnick and the finalists will be on display at the museum during an open house on February 23rd. (Details here)

With Washington Bulldog Pride,

Dana Hepner, Principal

  • 8 Feb
  • 12 Feb
    • Student Council Meeting 8:00 AM to 8:45 AM
      Student Council Meeting
      Date: Feb 12
      Time: 8:00 AM to 8:45 AM
      Calendar: Washington Calendar of Events
  • 13 Feb
    • PTO Meeting 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
      PTO Meeting
      Date: Feb 13
      Time: 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
      Location: Washington Media Center
      Calendar: Washington Calendar of Events
  • 17 Feb
    • No School - Mid-Winter Break
      Date: Feb 17 - Feb 18
      Calendar: Washington Calendar of Events
      Enjoy your Mid-Winter Break!