Washington Elementary News
March 21, 2025
Dear Washington Families,
We wish all our Washington families a safe and enjoyable Spring Break. Our school office will be closed next week, and we will see all our students back at school on Monday, March 31st.
Additional News and Notes:
Tues, April 1: Spirit Day: Backwards dress or crazy hair day!
Wed, April 2: Panera Fundraiser to support Milo. See details below.
Thur, April 3: Spirit Day: Wear a word with a definition shirt.
Every April we recognize Autism Acceptance Month. Please click here for more information about how we show support, along with here for special events throughout the month.
Support Our Therapy Dog Program! Join us for a Panera Bread fundraiser on Wednesday, April 2 to help raise funds for our school’s therapy dog program! 25% of all sales will be donated back to our school—just mention our school when ordering in the cafe. For online or mobile orders, please use the code FUND4U. We appreciate your support! Details found here.
5th Grade Families: This year the RCS 5th Grade Mixer will be held at Barnabo Field on May 20th, 2025 from 9:30-12:00. This is a PTOC organized parent lead event for all RCS 5th grade Elementary students. Students will participate in a fun activity driven event with the goal of students seeing new faces prior to the first day of Middle School this fall. Fifth grade teachers will be sending home further details and a paper copy of the permission slip. There is no cost for this event. Permission slip with parent volunteer information.
Missed Young Fives and Kindergarten Information Night? No problem! Please click on the link below to view the presentation in its entirety. Kindergarten & Young 5s Information Night 2025 video
5th Grade T-shirt Sales: Washington 5th graders created and designed a special Washington shirt to help raise money for camp. Please find the order form here; or use this online link. All orders are due on Wednesday, April 2nd.
Lunch Parents Needed: We have a very dedicated crew of lunch volunteers and I am not sure how we would make it through without them! If you are able to help, we are always in need of additional hands. Please contact the school office at Rachel.Tippett@romeok12.org for information about volunteer or paid lunch supervisor positions.
March Specials Rotation Schedule: (Linked here)
April Specials Rotation Schedule: (Linked here)
March Food Service Menu: (Linked here)
April Food Service Menu: (Linked here)
PTO News:
Need new Bulldog Gear? Check out our online merchandise store. Orders will be sent home with your student.
Happy Birthday Messages: Want to share your child's birthday or half birthday? Messages are displayed on our outdoor sign and are up for 24 hours, including weekends and holidays for $10. This link will be active thru to the end of the school year. If your child's birthday falls on a holiday/weekend and you would like it displayed during the school week, please enter the date you choose for it to be viewed. Link for purchase: https://www.schoolpay.com/link/Message-Board-Shout-Out. Please purchase at least a week before the birthday.
District News:
Harlem Wizards vs Romeo Staff Basketball Game: Romeo District PTO Council is excited to announce the return of the HARLEM WIZARDS vs. ROMEO STAFF basketball game fundraiser on Thursday, April 10th. Don't miss the high-flying tricks and super dunks on our own Romeo High School court. GET TICKETS HERE --> https://www.harlemwizards.com/tickets/romeo
Community News:
Stoney Creek Church is excited to have their Easter Eggstravaganza at Washington Elementary School on Saturday, April 19th from 10:30am-12pm! This is a free, outdoor event! (In the event of inclement weather we will move locations and be indoors at the church at 26 & Jewell.) Get ready for: Easter Egg Hunt (multiple times during the event), a visit and photo opportunity with the Easter Bunny, time with live bunnies with a visit from the Romeo Rabbit Rescue, glitter tattoos, games and activities, crafts, treats, and a free raffle with prizes! Register today by clicking here! If you have any questions, please contact Courtneyg@stoney.church
Tickets are still available for our celebration of the Greater Washington Area Historical Society's 50th Anniversary and the Washington Township's 198th Anniversary on April 11 at The Abbey on Main. Attached are the flyer and the ticket order form. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact us at washingtonmuseum@gmail.com or 586-781-4375.
With Washington Bulldog Pride,
Dana Hepner, Principal
Morning Announcements
24 Mar
No School - Spring Breakthru Mar 28No School - Spring BreakDate: Mar 24 - Mar 28Calendar: Washington Calendar of Events
1 Apr
Spirit Day: Backwards Dress or Crazy Hair Day 9:00 AM to 4:00 PMSpirit Day: Backwards Dress or Crazy Hair DayDate: Apr 1Time: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PMCalendar: Washington Calendar of Events
2 Apr
Autism Awareness Day 9:00 AM to 4:00 PMAutism Awareness DayDate: Apr 2Time: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PMCalendar: Washington Calendar of EventsThe United Nations General Assembly unanimously declared 2 April as World Autism Awareness Day to highlight the need to help improve the quality of life of those with autism so they can lead full and meaningful lives as an integral part of society.
3 Apr
Paraprofessional Appreciation Day 9:00 AM to 4:00 PMParaprofessional Appreciation DayDate: Apr 3Time: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PMCalendar: Washington Calendar of EventsParaprofessional Appreciation Day is a day to recognize the hard work and contributions of paraprofessionals, who are also known as teacher's aides, paraeducators, para-pros, and classroom assistants.