

Online Resources

External LinkRomeo High School Online Library Catalog
Search for books in the RHS Media Center. Search by title, author, keyword and subject.

External LinkMichigan Electronic Library (MEL)
Search eResources for informational articles using Britannica School and other search engines.

External LinkRomeo District Library
Search for materials at our local public libraries, Romeo Graubner and Kezar. 

Search for books by title, author, genre. Get brief descriptions and reader ratings of all the popular new titles. Join Goodreads and keep track 

External LinkFantastic Fiction
Search for books by author, title, series. Get purchasing information, brief descriptions and previews. 

Romeo utilizes the PowerSchool student information system to manage student records, information, and grades. Parents can access PowerSchool through the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Attached are instructions as to how to set this account up:
PDF DocumentPowerSchool Parent Portal Instructions

All Romeo High School courses/teachers use Schoology to organize our classrooms and make assignments and resources easily accessible for our students and parents. Below are the links and documents to help our students and parents access this resource:
External LinkRomeo Schoology Site
PDF DocumentSchoology Student Login Procedures
PDF DocumentParent Access to Schoology Instruction
External LinkNavigating Schoology as a Parent
External LinkSchoology Parent Guide

Counseling Information

External LinkCounseling Office (scholarships, transcripts, forms, etc.)

Google DocCollege Visit Scheduling 2020-2021