Academy Pathways Chart

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Why the Academies at Romeo High School?

standing in a house his class is currently building in the construction trades lab
Albert Provencher, Class of 2021 "Construction Trades has pushed me to work harder, smarter and more efficiently. The three years in Mr Bryant's Construction Class has taught me everything from basic home repair to how to pull permits for building my own house. I will be leaving high school with the knowledge and skills to be able to build my own house from the ground up. Plus an amazing job almost straight out of high school, all without being stuck with student debt for the next 10 years. Instead of spending money I will be making money for my future house, cars, trucks and family. The Romeo Architecture and Construction Pathway was also able to provide me with my OSHA 10 safety training that is required on all job sites and has kept me safe while working." Albert is standing in a house his class is currently building in the construction trades lab. ~ Academy of Design, Engineering and Manufacturing
standing the the student run RHS school store
Amanda LeBlanc, Class of 2021 "The academies have definitely helped narrow down my search for my future career. Since each one specializes in different career paths it helps focus on the possible classes and jobs that may come in the future. Being in the BEI Academy and taking marketing classes, I get the opportunity to run the school store and receive hands-on experience of what running a business or working in that department may be like. There are many different classes offered that specialize in different careers that I may be interested in, which gives me the opportunity to test what I like to do before making more choices in the future." Amanda is standing in the student run RHS school store. ~ Academy of Business, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
standing in front of the school's training ambulance
David Inwood, Class of 2021 “I have always had my mind set on becoming a lineman, but the class Emergency Medical Responder opened my eyes to a new career. I will be graduating with my EMT-B license and it will allow me to work with a fire department as an EMT and begin my career right out of high school.” David is standing in front of the school's training ambulance. ~ Academy of Health, Human and Public Service
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9th Grade Academy Pathway Tours

Additional detailed information on each of the College and Career Academies

9th Grade Academy Pathway Selection Process and Celebration

Design, Engineering and Manufacturing Academy

Business, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Academy

Health, Human Service and Public Safety Academy

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Rich Boggio  (586) 281-1172