
W.I.G.s stands for “wildly important goal”.  In order to move to greater effectiveness at grade levels we have articulated a plan to improve our reading scores through specific actions.  Some actions to make this achievement possible are teacher driven.  Others are student actions.  And lastly, of course, are parent actions.  What might a ‘student/parent action’ look like?  Teachers have listed several ideas and important things (or P.I.G.s=pretty important goals) but the WILDLY IMPORTANT, or number one priority that improves a student’s outcome, has been selected.  Backed by research, this high leverage strategy promises great results.  Just like anything great, you must put in the sweat equity to get the gains...or output!  Our end in mind is improved reading scores (through teacher and student specific and intentional action), then we must focus on that W.I.G. to get the job done!